Samples were collected immediately post DMSO mock treatment. transgenic parasite lines. (B) Primer mixtures and expected amplicon sizes utilized for PCR-based integration testing. Primer positions are indicated with arrows in (A) and primer sequences are outlined in S7 Table. (C) PCR analysis of the two transgenic lines using the primer units outlined in (B). (D) European blots of parasite components probed with the anti-K13 mAb E9. This antibody recognizes full-length K13 (~85 kDa) and lower molecular excess weight bands. We attribute the second option to N-terminal degradation products, based on our observation of very high co-localization ideals between K13 mAbs and antibodies to either GFP or 3HA in K13 transgenic lines, as well as the finding that antibodies to GFP or 3HA both acknowledged fusion proteins consistent with a K13 mass of ~85 kDa (as seen in Fig 1A). (E) Representative Western blot analysis of synchronized 0-6h ring-stage parasites from your K13- isogenic lines Cam3.IIWT, Cam3.IIC580Y and Cam3.IIR539T, probed with K13 mAb E9 and mouse monoclonal anti- actin. The right panel shows ImageJ-generated quantification of K13 C580Y or K13 R539T protein compared to K13 WT protein, with all proteins normalized to the -actin loading control. These data yielded relative mean SEM manifestation levels of 76 3% and 66 4% for Cam3.IIC580Y and Cam3.IIR539T relative to the WT control, related to mean K13 protein percent reductions of 24% and 34% for these two mutant proteins respectively.(PDF) ppat.1008482.s001.pdf (561K) GUID:?F2682C93-163B-4924-9460-B0490B4C0101 S2 Fig: Additional super resolution imaging of (A) Cam3.IIWT and (B) Cam3.IIR539T trophozoites, labeled with antibodies to K13 and the cytosolic marker HAD1. Images were acquired using a W1-Yokogawa Spinning Disk Confocal microscope equipped with a CSU-W1 SoRa Unit. (C) Quantification of antibody-labeled K13 foci in Cam3.IIWT and Cam3.IIR539T trophozoites, yielding an estimated 48% reduction in K13 R539T protein compared to the K13 WT levels.(PDF) ppat.1008482.s002.pdf (8.4M) GUID:?7882B2BA-04E8-4176-AEC7-69BB8C731EBC S3 Fig: Schematic of the protocol utilized for synchronizing and treating parasites for immunofluorescence co-localization studies. DHA, dihydroartemisinin; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; MACS, magnetic-activated cell sorting.(PDF) ppat.1008482.s003.pdf (124K) GUID:?DFDBBE26-7BB5-4664-9C96-60C911D3AFA8 S4 Fig: K13 partially co-localizes with Rab GTPases and Sec24a. (A) Representative IFA images showing DMSO-treated Cam3.IIWT ring-stage parasites co-stained with anti-K13 mAb E3 and antibodies to Rab5A, Rab5B, or Rab5C (top, middle and bottom panels, respectively). Samples were collected immediately post treatment. Scale bars: 2 m. (B) Fluorescence microscopy/DIC overlay and 3D volume reconstruction showing the spatial association between K13 and Rab5A in Cam3.IIWT parasites sampled 12h post DMSO mock treatment. Level bars are indicated. (C) Representative IFA images showing GFP-Rab6-expressing parasites co-stained with K13 mAb E3. Assays were carried out with Dd2WT (top) and Dd2R539T (bottom) ring-stage parasites episomally expressing GFP-Rab6, and samples were collected immediately post DMSO treatment. Scale bars: 2 m. (D) Representative IFA images showing DMSO-treated Cam3.IIWT ring-stage parasites co-stained VRT-1353385 with anti-K13 mAb E3 and antibodies to Rab7 (top) or Rab11A (bottom). Samples were collected immediately post treatment. Level bars: 2 m. (E) Rabbit Polyclonal to BCAS2 Fluorescence microscopy/DIC overlay and 3D volume reconstruction showing the spatial association between K13 and Rab11A in Cam3.IIWT parasites sampled 12h post DMSO treatment. (F) Representative IEM images of NF54WTattB-GFP-K13WT (remaining) or NF54WTattB-3HA-K13C580Y (ideal) trophozoites stained with anti-GFP or anti-HA antibodies, and VRT-1353385 either co-stained with antibodies to Rab5A (top), or Rab5B (bottom remaining), or triply labeled with anti-Rab5B and anti-PDI antibodies (bottom ideal). Arrows spotlight locations of interest. ER, endoplasmic reticulum; Hz, Hemozoin; M, mitochondria; N, nucleus. Level bars: 100 nm. (G) PCC ideals for the spatial association between K13 and Sec24a immediately post DHA pulse (6h, 700 nM) or DMSO mock treatment. Assays were carried out on Dd2WT ring-stage parasites VRT-1353385 episomally expressing Sec24a-GFP. Parasites were stained with anti-GFP and the K13 mAb E3. Right panels show representative 3D volume reconstructions of DMSO-treated or DHA-pulsed Sec24a-GFP expressing parasites. PCC ideals were determined and statistics performed as with Fig 2. Level bars: 1 m. (H) Representative IFA images showing Dd2WT Sec24a-GFP-expressing parasites co-stained with K13 mAb E3 and anti-GFP. Samples were collected immediately post DMSO mock treatment. Scale bars: 2 m. Several DIC images as well as montages showing the individual color channels match the 3D volume look at of parasites demonstrated in Fig 2.(PDF) ppat.1008482.s004.pdf (330K) GUID:?FB665D06-3806-4CBF-98C1-EC30317FF916 S5 Fig: K13 exhibits extensive co-localization with the VRT-1353385 parasite ER. (A) Fluorescence microscopy/DIC overlay and 3D volume reconstructions of deconvolved Z-stacks showing the spatial association between K13 and BiP in Cam3.IIWT (top) and Cam3.IIR539T (bottom) trophozoites (untreated). Parasites were co-stained with the K13 E3 mAb and anti-BiP antibodies. Level bars: 2 m. (B) Representative IEM images of NF54WTattB-GFP-K13WT trophozoites co-stained.